jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

One Week ago...


One week ago...and seems to have been yesterday night ( well, yesterday night also went out for dinner and took one or two beers).

No, no I'm referring to the PALE's party. BUUUUUFFF! Damn it!!! It was really incredible...!.

Let me tell you an example. 2.30 hour. At "El Nuestro" Pub. Twenty friends dancing, moving on time of the music, laughing, talking and drinking. We looked like a family, even more friends since a lot of years.

We took a dinner at Percor restaurant. We ate quite well and the price was accurate. Neverthelees, someone was upset because the owners and the waiters had unussual behaviours for that restaurant.

I'm very surprise on a pair of things that happened that night:

For example, the full energy that Inma or Mercedes or Lourdes spent all the night. It wasn't strange that Quini, Javi o Virgi did it but watching them dancing and moving without a rest... It was very funny and delicious...!!!

On the other hand, the eldest wore our age with dignity, even more Valentin and me - the very best- were marching on till the sunrise...

Moreover, I'm very surprise with the youngest ones. What incredible ability to drink, dance, speak and enjoy all the night and continue by the morning without sleeping going to Plasencia to buy ¡female shoes!. But when I achieved my third whisky at three o'clock on the night, I just had to stop drinking and had to be concetrated to follow a conversation and even stay alive.
Time is time but not for everybody...

Although I can/might look like an a dirty old man, all our females were delicious, sophisticated, smart and very polished. May I do a top five?. Yes, please... ( that's the best for being writer and reader at the same time, you know...). One, spectacular Nuria. Second, wamp Virgin; Thrid, moving Cristina; Forth, angelic Lourdes; Fifth, seductive Mercedes... Anyway, all deserved to get into the list, of course...

One mention to Ana Belen, Salomé, Isabel, María José and Crist. All were in our hearts and thoughts, I think, although everyone for different reasons. No comments.

Up, down, middle and further down limonchelo in one go... Cheers!!!

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Friday's night PALE party!!!

In God we trust.

On friday's night we will have the PALE party.
If we consider other past experiences with PALE people by night we will need quiet concentration and all overseas cures for wild people... Of course, we'll have to essay the warm-up and several physically excercises 'cause of eating, drinking and dancing all the night will require them and so on.

Nevertheless, Sweet pain doesn´'t hurt at all. In Spanish " sarna con gusto, no pica...".

Party, celebration, happy day, there aren't any word which could describe our meeting.

We 'll hold a marvellous party, be sure. Friends are friends everywhere on everytime, in all situations.

Lyrics | Texas Lyrics | I Don%27t Want A Lover Lyrics

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

I've just bought my flight!!!

Airbus A320 Iberia
The countdown is going on...
I have already bought my ticket for the airplane. I don't worry about the expensive cost of it ( 300 e.) because Junta of Extremadura paid it with the PALE grant.
I'll fly three days before starting the course. I 'll go to visit in London to my brother-in-law and his wife and I'll spend two days with them at their home. I think it is a good reason for improving time on my trip .
95 / ninety five / days remaining. I'm very nervous...

Music should quiet the beast I have in my body, heart and soul...

Lyrics | We the Kings Lyrics | Secret Valentine Lyrics


martes, 7 de abril de 2009

The PALE has gone...


What a pitty!!
The PALE has gone...

Well. That's no absolutely correct.

Remains two days: one, next week when all of us -except Salomé and Ana Belen- will make the PALE party and second, sixth june, the final language meeting alltogether with a new enterprise from Madrid.

I am going to say a few words growing up from the deepest part of my heart
Marvellous people, incredible relationship between us... Many courses in the last years have been boring or so serious. This one has been crazy, funny, authentic, a fresh air blow from an wide open window. My english is very short when I try to explain my feelings...

Feelings... Kindly Valentin, hurricane Quini, incredible Virginia, brilliant Javier, lovely Mercedes & Inma, ... all of you. Special mention to Ana Belen, an angel felt down from Heaven. An earth-quake in my poor and boring life. Thank you.

Soon, we will be together again. I wish it had never end.

Lyrics Crowded House Lyrics Fall at Your Feet Lyrics

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009

English never let me surprise on (stop surprising me)

When I decided to go to England I was searching for an adecuated course on english language. I think I've chosen quite well: Course for teachers who teach in a billigual section. That course has been offered by the University of Exeter, in its section on Cheltenham.

" I 'll go to Cheltemham", I said to my friends on the PALE grant-course. "Chetelham??"". Virginia asked to me with a surprised face. " Perhaps you should want to say Chat'el'em if you would want to be understood".


That's incredible!. English pronunciation never let me surprise on.